Monday, August 28, 2023

Things to Know Before Using RV Roof Coating

Roaming in an RV (Recreational Vehicle) is a dream for many, but maintaining the moving house can be a beast of burden. One of the most overlooked areas when it comes to RV maintenance is the roof. Applying an RV roof coating might just be the game-changer you need. But, it's not as simple as slapping a coat on and calling it a day. There are crucial things to know before using RV roof coating.

Understanding RV Roof Coating

RV roof coating, what's the big deal anyway? You might ask. RV roof coating is a protective layer applied to the roof of your RV. It acts as a shield against UV rays, keeps your RV leak-free and can extend the lifespan of your RV's roof. It sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? But wait, should you just go and buy the first RV roof coating product you lay your eyes on? Hold your horses, let’s delve a little deeper.

Types of RV Roof Coatings

Did you know there are different types of RV roof coatings? Yup! They are mainly EPDM rubber, TPO rubber, Metal, Fiberglass, and Aluminum. Each type has its characteristics and required upkeep. By using the appropriate coating, you can ensure maximum protection against the harsh effects of nature.

Application Process

Don't be a bull in a china shop! There's a process in applying the coating to get the best results. You need to thoroughly clean the roof, let it dry, apply the primer (if necessary) and then apply the coating. It’s not rocket science, but rushing it can lead to poor results. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast as well; you wouldn't want a sudden downpour to wash away your hard work, would you?

The Cost Factor – Is It Worth It?

One might balk at the expenses associated with applying an RV roof coating. But, have you considered the long-term benefits? With a proper coating, you are not only prolonging the life of the RV's roof but also ensuring a comfortable living environment inside the RV by regulating temperature and preventing leaks. In the long run, it could save you a fortune in potential repairs and replacements. Penny wise, pound foolish, remember?


Using RV roof coating is not just a quick solution for issues with your RV’s roof. It’s a strategic move to maintain the roof's optimal condition and stretch out its life. By considering the type of coating, application process, cost, health, and environmental implications, you can make an educated decision, ensuring your RV keeps rolling smoothly towards new adventures.

Monday, August 7, 2023

RV Roof Coating: Protect Your RV with a Waterproof Shield

In the vast world of recreational vehicles (RVs), nothing is more important than maintaining and protecting your cherished mobile home. One crucial element in ensuring your RV's longevity and resilience is investing in the right roof coating. RV roof coating acts as a protective shield, safeguarding your vehicle from water damage, leaks, and weathering. In this article, we delve into the realm of RV roof coatings, exploring their significance, application, and the best products available in the market.

The Majesty of Proper RV Roof Coating

Before we delve into the intricacies of RV roof coatings, let us appreciate the grandeur they bring to our beloved motor homes. Proper roof coatings, carefully selected and expertly applied, can transform an ordinary roof into a waterproof and weather-resistant marvel. The significance of RV roof coating cannot be underestimated, as it ensures the integrity of the entire structure, protecting against leaks and potential damage.

Types of RV Roof Coatings

Liquid Rubber Roof Coatings

Liquid rubber roof coatings are a popular choice among RV owners due to their seamless application and long-lasting results. This type of coating creates a continuous, flexible, and waterproof barrier that can withstand various weather conditions, including UV rays, rain, and snow.

Elastomeric Roof Coatings

Elastomeric roof coatings offer excellent elasticity, making them ideal for RVs that experience frequent temperature fluctuations. These coatings expand and contract with the roof, preventing cracks and leaks over time.

Applying RV Roof Coating

Preparation: Before applying the coating, ensure the roof is clean, dry, and free of debris. Repair any existing damage or leaks before proceeding.

Choose the Right Weather: Opt for a clear, warm day with low humidity to allow the coating to dry properly.

Start Coating: Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the specific coating you've chosen. Generally, it involves using a roller or a spray to evenly apply the coating over the entire roof surface.

Allow Drying Time: Be patient and let the coating dry completely before exposing your RV to any weather elements.


In the realm of RVs, a robust roof coating serves as a knightly armor, protecting your precious home on wheels from the challenges of the open road. With the right type of roof coating and proper application, your RV can remain leak-free, weather-resistant, and ever-ready for the next adventure.